Tuesday, June 18, 2013


Ripple A Tale of Hope and Redemption

E.L. Ferris


Amazon #1 Bestseller in Family Life Fiction

A Lyrical Book of Healing

When high-powered attorney Helen Thompson discovers that her fifteen-year old daughter has been sexually assaulted, she takes drastic measures.
Finding herself in trouble, Helen must relinquish control and put her faith in a process she knows to be flawed. As a team of lawyers, therapists and women from a safe house help Helen and Phoebe find hope and healing, a sociopath lurks, waiting for his moment to strike.
A lyrical, dark fairytale that will resonate with fans of women's literature and psychological thrillers, RIPPLE delves into the nature of evil, without seeking to provide final answers to the issue of what makes a human commit evil acts. And while the author takes readers to scary places, she ultimately shines a light on the human condition and celebrates the triumph of the human spirit in the face of great tribulation.

˃˃˃ Are you a mental health provider, or a therapist, social worker, or counselor?

"RIPPLE belongs in each practitioner's library and is a must-read for all sexual abuse and domestic violence survivors."
"Farris has given a young woman, a child, a mother, the lost, and yes even me--A VOICE. Farris writes of the horrors Phoebe faces. She writes about an epidemic without pulling any punches."
"This story is for survivors; however, it should absolutely be read by everyone."
"In each instance where I was affected or triggered, IMMEDIATELY following, in the next sentence or paragraph, were the perfect words or scene to bring everything I was feeling to a safe place."

˃˃˃ Are you looking for a book that will help you or someone you love heal from sexual abuse?

"RIPPLE is the perfect companion to The Courage to Heal."
"I've tried to read other books with the molestation story line, but ended up giving up on them because they didn't support the characters or show what molestation truly feels like, or they didn't resolve the crime or help those who were suffering."
"RIPPLE is different. This dark thriller made me feel supported, in part because the characters received the help they needed. This book validated ME and I hope all women who have been brushed off or not believed will read this book. If you know that woman, or girl, Give Her This Book!"
"I took a gamble on RIPPLE. It did hit close to home, but it's MY home now and I choose who comes to visit. I'm so glad it was E.L. Farris. I feel like I won that gamble!"

˃˃˃ Do you enjoy a well-written, page-turner?

"E.L. Farris' writing is like a vortex, quickly pulling you into the story and sucking you into an emotional whirlpool of betrayal, pain, loss, and finally, recovery and healing."
"Rarely do I come across a writer who tells a story so compelling that I read an entire book in one setting. Farris is a master story teller and I look forward to seeing more works by this talented author."
"Farris' lyrical writing style lends itself beautifully for a story that's built on suspense, danger and mystery. E.L. Farris has fast become one of my favorite authors. I look forward to reading more from her."
"From the opening chapter, I was hooked on this story that isn't full of victims--it's full of survivors, heroes and humans. It's a great read."
"I started this casually on Friday night and finished it this morning. I forced myself to put it down last night so that I could get some sleep. It's been a long time since a book has captured me like that."
"Intense and riveting."


I had a very hard time putting this book down. Heather L. Zwicker  |  27 reviewers made a similar statementAmazon Verified Purchase
Fast-paced, to the point, emotional... the characters are real, the story line is riveting, the writing is very well-done! Amethyst  |  25 reviewers made a similar statementAmazon Verified Purchase


Ex-lawyer E.L. Farris is a born-again, marathon-running married mother of three who resides in Northern Virginia. <---That's what it says on the back of Ripple.

What else do you need to know about me? I talk a lot. I write a lot. I adore my husband. I adore my children. What else? Well, I run. I've been running since I turned 14. I started to run then and I've been running ever since. Whenever I stop running, I land in a lot of trouble.

I ran through a childhood that could well be described as hell. I ran through major depressive episodes and often teetered one step from the edge of a breakdown. Through running, I held onto my sanity, my sobriety, my life and my belief in God. Each step I take, no matter how physically painful, draws me a shade closer into my better angels.

And the steps have become painful over the years, which is how I earned the nickname Phoenix. Some mornings I feel like I've been run over by a bus and the truth is, I was. I survived a collision with a metro bus, and it's fair to say that the accident messed me up. And yet I keep rising from the pyre of a burning fire and as I run I realize that as long as I hold the Holy Spirit inside me, my spirit will never die.

Please see me on http://elfarris.com

Also visit http://www.facebook.com/RunningfromHellwithEl

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